100% Female Staff – Female teachers are believed to be more supportive, communicative, nurturing, easygoing and open towards little children. At Eva Kids we have an expert team of teachers and highly trained female attendants who are mindful of each child’s individual abilities and moods. They patiently engage children with a relaxed attitute and exhibit positive behaviour in front of kids.

CCTV Survillance – We at Eva Kids keep the safety of our chidren at top priority. Our schools run under the strict monitoring of a dedicated team who keeps a close watch on all the classroom activities through CCTV cameras which are installed at every corner of the school premises.

Air Conditioned Class Rooms and Activity Area – North India is famous for its extreme summer heat. This can make children sluggish, impact their productivity and focus time. Our whole campus is Air Conditioned which not only make the students comfortable in classromm but also lead to improved concentration and Learning outcomes.

Big Ball Pool – Ball is a versatile toy. Playing with a ball helps improving hand-eye coordination, motor skills and timing. We have a big ball pool in our campus where kids enjoy catching, kicking, rolling and tossing the balls. It helps in strengthening their muscles as well.

AR Enabled Content – We have gone beyond the traditional methods of learning. Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information such as sounds, videos, and graphics on top of the real-world environment. It enhances learning by making it interactive and promotes higher engagement . It makes learning fun and immersive.

E-Books – Our curriculum has e-books which are available on our mobile application. It’s a good way for children to enjoy reading, listening to stories and learn information.

Teacher – Child Ratio – We believe in maintaining teacher student ratio, which is 1:15, as it helps in effective learning.

Worldclass Classrooms- We have world class classrooms which are equipped with interactive smart boards, sound systems, White boards, soft boards, and mirrors are also installed. All these equipments increase ingagement of children and achieving learning outcomes.

Our Classes

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School Duration – 3 Hours
Age Group 1.5 - 2.5 years


School Duration – 3:00 Hours
Age Group 2.5 - 3.5 years


School Duration – 3:30 Hours
Age Group 3.5 - 4.5 years


School Duration – 3:30 Hours
Age Group 4.5 - 5.5 years

“A curriculum full of enriching child centric approach”

We have curated a curriculum with the help of some of India’s best academicians which gives your child a chance to explore their surroundings. Here at Eva Kids Pre School children are not restricted within the four walls. They are given enough chances to traverse the outside world. As we believe that greatest learning takes place when the child walks our of a classroom. There is an infinite amount of lessons outside just waiting to be   discovered. Outside we can capitalize on a kid’s natural desire to learn. We conduct a wide range of activities like colour day celebration, parents day and grandparents day celebrations, festivals, sports competition, dance and taekwondo, school carnival and a lot more throughout our session.”

Video 1




Circle Time- Circle Time is a daily activity that creates positive relationships among the kids and gives them the chance to engage with each other. The whole class takes part in Circle Time and different activities are used to solve problems that are affecting the class. During circle time children work together and learn from each other.
Taekwondo – Taekwondo is the most famous Korean martial art. It is very suitable for kids because it’s very flexible and adaptable. It will not unnecessarily force or strain your children, but will rather train them slowly so that they enjoy training session. Weekly Taekwondo classes are conducted for all the students at Eva Kids.
Yoga – In small children yoga refines balance and coordination; balancing poses promote mental and physical poise, as mental clarity and stability increase from the effort of trying the poses. Practice makes it possible; as children try to balance their balance improves. Coordination is closely tied to balance and promotes overall dexterity. At Eva Kids Pre School, yoga is a part of daily activities.
Dance- Dancing uses different muscles which are strengthened more than simply standing and walking around. Through dance, children learn to coordinate and control their bodies and the movement helps them develop spatial awareness. Dance classes are run at Eva Kids on daily basis where we have trained teachers to help and guide children in polishing their dancing skills.
Personality Development – Stage activities like rhyme recitation, storytelling, self-introduction, show and tell, speech competition etc. are an integral part of curriculum at Eva Kids where kids learn to speak in front of their peers, they gain confidence in public speaking and facing the crowd. It further improves oratory and narrative skills in children.
Special Days and Celebrations – At Eva Kids we teach children to celebrate even the smallest of events which creates awareness about their surroundings, different cultures, people, environment, animals and nature. It makes children expressive, inculcates empathy and the desire to keep oneself happy.

Gradu 1

Graduation Ceremony

April 29,2020
Gradu 2

Cute Girl

April 12,2020
Gradu 3

Suprising Boy

May 29,2020
Gradu 4

The Twins

March 26, 2020
Gradu 5

Grand & Kid

April 29,2020
Gradu 6

Crayon Girl

April 1, 2020
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